Saturday 18 June 2011

Here's The Video We Talked About!

This is the video we talked about in the Young Ladies Session on Thursday! It's really insightful! Not sure what the deal is in the first bit and at the end, but it's really, really worth the look and listen! Trust it will be encouraging! Offered for you in love... ;)


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this video! It reminds me of a book where I read that guys have a mental Rolodex that they store images in. I understand what that means because I'm one of the 20% of women who are very visual too. And being one of the 20%, I actually didn't feel very sympathetic towards the men. I mean, if I had to deal with it, the guys should be able to as well.

    It wasn't until I read another book that I changed the way I dressed - that one helped me to see it wasn't just the guys I was hurting, but my sisters too; I wasn't helping their husbands keep their thoughts pure, and it was more unloving and more destructive.

    I pray God will help more of us make decisions to dress to honour Him. My personal rule-of-thumb is: If Jesus were to return today, would He approve of what I was wearing as an ambassador for Him? Because at the end of the day, that is what we are all called to be. As His body and His bride, His light only shines as brightly as we are making decisions to be pure for Him.

  2. What an encouraging comment! And Amen! Thanks for sharing Anonymous!
